Moment of Triumph for the believer of Eternal Maryada Purushottam Ram

    Wednesday, 5th August 2020 will go in the World History and more particularly in Indian History for several centuries as the moment of triumph for the believer and worshiper of Sri Ram as the foundation was laid for grand Ram temple at the same place where it existed till 1528.

   1528 was the year when Ram temple was demolished at Ayodhya and Babri Masjid was erected on the same land. It was a most cowardly and sinister act in the human history done during initial Mughal rules (1527-1761) in India. The Hindu faith were compromised , tormented through this act to send a subtle message to the majority Hindu community that their religious freedom , dignity  at stake with advent of alien muslin rule in the country. It was a moment of shame, fear, angst and frustration for the Hindu community in India and of their utter helplessness to stop such action. It left a strong imprint on the heart and mind of Hindus and it passes generation to generation reminding them helplessness of their forefathers to protect Ram Temple in 1528 when it was demolished.

    492 years precisely is not a small time in history but successive generation carry the feeling of guilt, helplessness and failure but a resolve to construct Ram Temple on the same place from 1528 to till this date. It was actually a fulfilment of the unmet desire and internal feelings of more than 15 generations of Hindus.

    The demolition of Ram temple at Ayodhya was the beginning but after that during the Mughal rule of 224 years, several hundred big and small Hindu temples were demolished in India to make way for Masjid. But the demolition of Ram temple at Ayodhya was the first such act towards the most beloved Sri Ram. It was a brutal attack on the faith of Hindus in Sri Ram at his birth place. Thats'why the urge to rebuild the temple at same place was strongest and got more vocal after the independence.

    During 224 year rule of Mughal in India more or less demolishing of Hindu temples were a norm sometime with tacit support from the ruler sometime with enthusiastic muslin community to display their valour that they belong to ruling class. However during the rule of greatest Mughal king Akbar also it was status quo.

In British Raj also the same status quo continues.

    But after the Independence the new India got more vocal and wanted to shed the long carried mental and emotional baggage of the demolition of ram temple and waited for years for a conciliatory gesture from the Muslin community to return the land for the construction of Ram temple. It never happened due to several reasons. The Muslim community wanted status quo which suits them like the one suited to Akbar the great and British. 

    But the aspirational India was not ready to carry this generational baggage anymore and wanted a justice for establishment of grand Ram temple at the same site to move forward.

It is a symbolical triumph for the Hindus that were due for 492 years.

     The entire world is rejoicing on this day. It is a moment of triumph for the Hindus who kept their faith intact after 755 years rules of outsiders. It was their conviction, belief and faith that in all adversity they kept living the Hindu way of life. During the outsider rule also they kept this flame burning in their heart and it is the triumph of Hindu community resilience, patience and positivism in all adversity for 755 years during outside rule. This is only possible due to the internal resolve and faith in Hinduism and the result is in front of all of us.

     Everybody who knows the true story of demolition of Ram temple in Ayodhya and also about Maryada Puroshottam Ram will feel blessed today on the momentous occasion of inauguration of Grand Ram temple at Ayodhya.

     It has nothing to do with secular, pseudo secular or religious view/orientation, it is above all. It is not time for the criticism and check you education level and the label and position you earned in society but it is the time to be with your internal conscience and to be happy without any pro and cons.   There is no need to bisect it intellectually but to feel the internal joy and moment of happiness. This is the sentiment carried by almost all Ram Bhaktas , whether rich or poor, literate or illiterate , religious or non-religious, atheist or non-atheist , men or women , north  or south Indian, Indians living abroad , everybody feel at ease and happy.

     Those who are not happy is seeing something else related to it, how it has been done , who made it possible, who has not been credited , who has been left etc but this is not an act of one individual or a group of individual it is the act and concern of millions of Ram believers to see this day so look for the bigger picture , do not distract or feel unhappy . Look to the Ram the bigger picture of Ram, look inside honestly in the corner of your heart and you will find rejoice with this act , you will feel fortunate to see this day , more than 14 generation of Hindus died in hoping to see this day of reckoning. This is not an ordinary moment for one of the oldest religion of Universe which has transformed from religion to the way of life, to culture depicting one of the oldest civilizations on the earth. It is evolving day by day with the experience and learning's of millennium and Ram is at the centre from the beginning to the end. “Hey Ram"

     This grand Ram temple at Ayodhya will always remind us of the transformation of our mind and heart with constant and invisible Ram from generation to generation and gives it a worldly form to remind our future generations of our unbreakable, unshakable faith in “Siya Ram” who is present in one and everyone.

     Let this temple start a new chapter and act as a bridge between different faiths and stood as a symbol of unity and strong India in the subtle protection of Sri Ram the eternal.



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