Personal Reflections on the journey through 2023

Reflections on the journey through 2023 have been a profound learning into the complexities of life, akin to navigating through a maze of professional, personal, emotional, sentimental and familial challenges. As I sit here in the final week of the year, the external facade of control belied the internal maelstrom that persisted, known only to the depths of my own being. At times I enjoyed this inner struggle to come out of the situation.

Throughout this tumultuous but remarkable year, I endeavored to employ every learned life skill and experience to weather the storms, yet often found myself in the throes of inner turmoil, occasionally erupting into harsh external manifestations. While there were moments of brilliance, quietness, and remarkable events, the overarching narrative was one of enduring internal strife, conflict, and confusion.The solitude which I was used to was no where.

In the midst of this chaos, I grappled with the struggle to exist in the present moment, wrestling with the multitude of thoughts clamoring for attention within. Understanding that life's events often transcend conventional reasoning, acceptance—whether willingly or reluctantly—became a pivotal lesson I grappled with. However, breaking the conditioning of the mind and embracing this truth proved to be a gradual and arduous process. Knowing is nothing, one needs practice to attain this status.

Amidst the chaos, the solace found in long hours of work was notable, providing a distraction from the lingering disturbing thoughts that haunted the weekends, when time lent itself to introspection and revisiting unresolved issues.The work become a conduit to embrace the present with absolutely no distraction.

The year unfolded with a myriad of challenges—a pursuit of new ventures culminating in additional workload, concerns about a child's education and behavior, worries over the health of a close friend, the unsettling feeling of becoming stranger from a once-close family, and the financial burdens of another family member. These trials, along with smaller issues interspersed throughout, compounded the already demanding work pressures and deadlines.

However, amidst the turmoil, an internal exploration began to take shape. In moments when time allowed, diving into familiar narratives and stories offered sustenance, granting the strength needed to delve deeper within, seeking answers to the turmoil and inner discord. This introspective journey shed light on the purpose of life and demanded adaptability in the face of ever-changing dynamics with those around.

The invaluable lesson learned was the art of controlling reactions and seeking tranquility amidst life's turbulence. Sharing these burdens with a few close friends and family, fostering transparency, sincerity, and honesty, emerged as virtues that provided solace and strength.

Above all, the realization dawned that kindness and compassion towards oneself radiate outward, touching the lives of those around us. Moving forward without judgment, giving unconditionally, and accepting life's unfolding journey became the guiding principles. This approach promises a lighter existence, illuminating both the internal and external worlds, thereby touching the lives of others in a positive way—a purposeful way to navigate life's journey on this planet and beyond.

Nothing remains permanent in life; it's crucial to keep moving forward, keep learning, keep reading, welcoming change with open arms, forgive swiftly, and safeguard your inner self from the ebb and flow of worldly chores.

Years learning beautifully emphasize the importance of resilience, self-compassion, and embracing life's continuous evolution to embrace 2024.


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